TCA Labs

We support our employees by investing in their ideas and accelerating their growth.

We're hiring!

Interested in innovation and looking for a challenge? Join our team.

Who we are

What is TCA Labs?

TCA Labs is a three-year accelerator programme designed to encourage innovation, support entrepreneurship, and develop employees' leadership skills and knowledge.

We invest in our employees' own projects and ideas, while also contributing our resources and expertise. The program is designed to provide comprehensive guidance and support for employees at all stages of their startup journey, from initial concept to product development and launch.

All our employees retain control and majority ownership of their ventures, providing a real opportunity for reward, inspiring others to innovate, and helping to create a vibrant and progressive work place at TCA.

Why we're doing this

Our vision and purpose

Our vision is to empower our employees to create new and innovative products and services that can help drive our business forward and leave a positive impact on the world.

TCA's logo

Encouraging innovation

We believe in creating a culture of innovation that encourages employees to think creatively and develop new solutions to complex problems.

TCA's logo

Investing in people

We are committed to investing in and supporting the entrepreneurial ambitions of our employees and helping them turn their ideas into reality.

TCA's logo

Supporting personal development

We provide training, mentorship, and resources to help employees develop the skills and knowledge they need to be successful in their careers.

TCA's logo

Collaboration and partnership

We believe in the power of collaboration and partnership to drive innovation and growth, and we are committed to working with our employees to achieve shared success.

TCA's logo

Creating positive impact

We believe that by investing in our employees and supporting their entrepreneurial ambitions, we can create positive impact in our community and beyond.


of our team's time is spent on projects
supported by TCA Labs

TCA Labs is open to all TCA employees who have an idea for a new product or service.

Employees can apply to the program by submitting a proposal that outlines their idea, the potential market opportunity, and their plan for developing and launching the product or service.

What it means for you

How it works

TCA Labs opens the door for every employee with an innovative
product or service idea.

Once accepted into the program, employees can dedicate up to 20% of their time to working on their project while still being paid 100% of their existing salary.

A rocket launching

Early investment

At TCA Labs, we believe in your ideas. We provide the funding you need to transform your concept into a tangible product or service, covering essential initial launch costs. While the funding amount varies per project, our focus is on giving you that initial push towards success.

A stack of book

Access to resources

We provide you with a suite of resources, tools, and services to help develop your products and services. Our support extends beyond the physical, with access to mentorship and other resources to enhance your entrepreneurial journey.

A lightbulb

Space to innovate

We give you your own dedicated workspace at TCA Labs - a place to bring your vision to life. This space is designed to support your creativity and collaboration, acting as the perfect incubator for your projects.

A signpost pointing in different directions

Support and guidance

Everyone needs a guiding hand sometimes, right? That's why we provide top-notch mentorship from experienced entrepreneurs and business leaders. They'll be there to help you develop your ideas and navigate the exciting challenges of starting your own business.

A graduate mortar board cap

Training and development

Being a part of TCA Labs means more than just resources—it's an opportunity for professional growth. We offer extensive training sessions aimed at equipping you with skills vital for your venture. Whether it's honing technical expertise or cultivating leadership qualities, we've got you covered.

A pair of champagne glasses

Continuing your success

Launch is just the beginning. To fuel your venture's ongoing growth, you might need external investment. Our mentors are here to guide you through that process, showing you how to secure crucial funding.
At TCA Labs, we're committed to empowering your journey, not just starting it.

Let's talk

We'd love to hear from you.

Please contact us via the form provided, or directly on +44 20 8938 3016

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TCA Digital Ltd
15 Broad Street
St Helier
Jersey, JE1 9TD

+44 20 8938 3016
© 2023 TCA Digital Ltd. All rights reserved.